Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Wiggle Breaks and Birthdays...

The students continue to enjoy the wiggle breaks... just look at the energy in the room and the smiles on their faces...

More Birthdays in the room!!

100th Day...

I can't believe today was the 100th Day of School!! We were so busy and had so much fun celebrating today...
Here is some of things we did to celebrate this special day...

The students made a 100 Day creation and wore it to school.  The creations were amazing and so creative.  Students made hats, shirts, scarves and necklaces to show 100 of something.  Take a look at the picture of them wearing their special creations.  

The students wrote about what they would look like when they become 100 and what they would hope to still be able to do at 100.  The students hoped to run, bake pancakes, see, read and jump at 100.

The students made a 100 Day book and read independently...

In math class... 
The students filled out a blank 100's chart and then colored some numbers to see the number 100 inside the worksheet.  We also practiced skip counting by 4's, 10's, 5's and 2's to 100. We even made 100 Day Trail Mix.  The students had fun counting out yummy snacks by 10's and counting up to 100.  Look at some of the pictures of the students having fun today.  Thank you to all the parents who sent in the goodies for today's activity and a very special thank you to Ava's mom and Keshav's mom for coming in to help out today.  

Please ask your child to tell you what their favorite part of celebrting the 100th Day was!!

We Have Been Busy...

National Wear Red Day...

We discussed how to keep our hearts healthy every day and especially on Friday, February 6th in honor of National Wear Red Day to support The American Heart Association.  We discussed ways to keep our hearts healthy... the students came up with some great examples like eating the right food, drinking water and milk, excercising and getting enough sleep and finally by not smoking.  Here is a class picture of us in our RED...